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< Sockets(Redirected from User:Mvalente/SocketsA)
Proposal A, Draft 1 (in development)
The "socket" module supports the Socket API, providing an interface for socket manipulation.
For the purpose of this documentation, "soc" is a variable name for any object that implements the Socket API, including the exports of the "socket" module
- var s = new Socket(family, type)
- The Socket class is used to create a non-blocking TCP socket.
- family = AF_INET (default), AF_INET6 or AF_UNIX.
- type = SOCK_STREAM for TCP (default) or SOCK_DGRAM for UDP). Others (RAW, RDM, SEQPACKET)?
The "socket" module must export the following:
- connect( host, port [, timeout] )
- Initiate a connection on a socket. Connect to a remote port on the specified host with a connection timeout. Throws an exception in case of failure.
- host: IP address or hostname
- port: port number or service name
- timeout: timeout value (default X microseconds)
- accept()
- Accept a connection on a socket. Returns a new (connected) Socket.
- bind( [host] [,port])
- When a new socket is created, it has no address bound to it. Bind assigns the specified address (also known as name) to the socket. Throws an exception in case of failure.
- host: address (interface) to which the socket will be bound. If address is ommited, any address is will match.
- port: port number or service name to which socket is to be bound. If port is undefined, the socket wont bind to any port.
- listen()
- Listen for incoming connections on a socket (use before an accept). Throws an exception in case of failure.
- shutdown([what])
- Shut down part of a full-duplex connection on a socket. If [what] is SHUT_RD, further receives will be disallowed. If [what] is SHUT_WR further sends will be disallowed. If what is SHUT_RDWR, further sends and receives will be disallowed.
- close()
- Close the socket immediately
- receive/read( [maxlen])
- Receive a block of bytes from the socket. Returns block of bytes read
- maxlen: number of bytes to read. Default: X bytes
- send/write(data)
- Send a block of bytes to the socket
- data: block of bytes to send
- receiveFrom( [maxlen])
- Receive all data from socket. Returns object with ip_address and port of sender along with data properties
- maxlen: number of bytes to read. Default: X bytes
- sendTo( host, port, data)
- Send a block of data to a specific host and port
- host: IP address or hostname
- port: port number or service name
- data: block of bytes to send
- sendFile(file)
- Sends a complete File object across a socket.
- file: a File object
- setOption( option, value)
- Set socket option value to socket option name
- getOption()
- Get socket option value, option should be socket option name
- isConnected
- Returns TRUE if the socket is in a connected state - READ ONLY
- isWritable
- Returns TRUE if socket can accept written data - READ ONLY
- isReadable
- Returns TRUE if data is waiting to be read from socket - READ ONLY
- localAddress
- Get local socket IP address. Returns the IP address for this socket.
- localPort
- Get local socket port number. Returns the port number for this socket.
- remoteAddress
- Get remote socket IP address. Returns the IP address for this socket.
- remotePort
- Get remote socket port number. Returns the port number for this socket.
- type
- Socket type, SOCK_STREAM (TCP) or SOCK_DGRAM (UDP)