From CommonJS Spec Wiki
< OldAPI(Redirected from CommonJS/API/list/ProposalK)
/*** List is `Iterable` Different than Python: - append: `push` - extend: `add` - count: `len` - index: `find` - insert: `put` - remove: `del` Same as Python: - `pop` - `sort` - `reverse` */ /**** toIter - `stateless` */ /**** len - `stateless` */ /**** push - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** pop - `stateful` */ /**** unshift - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** shift - `stateful` */ /**** reverse - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** reversed - `stateless` */ /**** reversedIter - `stateless` */ /**** sort - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** sorted - `stateless` - `chainable` */ /**** slice - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** sliced - `stateless` - `chainable` */ /**** splice - `stateful` */ /**** spliced - `stateless` - `chainable` */ /**** clear - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** first - `stateless` */ /**** last - `stateless` */ /**** begins returns whether the first elements of a given list-like-object are equal, by way of `eq`, the respective elements in this list. In Python, this function is called ``startswith``. This divergence from Python nomenclature is a matter of idealism. Ideally the semantic group of `start`, `stop`, `pause`, `resume`, and `run` are all temporal verbs, whereas the semantic group `begins`, `ends`, `first`, `last`, and such all apply to the state of spatial segments or lists. - `stateless` */ /**** ends returns whether the last elements of a given list-like-object are equal, by way of `eq`, the respective elements in this list. In Python, this function is called ``endsWith``. See ``startsWith`` for the rationale. - `stateless` */ /**** reduce reduce is an in place operation. see reduced for a stateless variant - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** keysIter - `stateless` */ /**** keys - `stateless` */ /**** valuesIter - `stateless` */ /**** values an alias of `copy` so that lists can be used as dictionary like objects. - `stateless` */ /**** itemsIter enumerates the values of the list. - `stateless` */ /**** items returns a list of the enumerated values from this list, using `itemsIter`. - `stateless` */ /**** get gets a value by its offset. - `stateless` */ /**** set sets a value at a particular offset. - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** put displaces the item at a given index, sending successive elements down the line. - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** cut gets the value at a given offset and delete the value from the list. - `stateful` */ /**** del removes a value from the list, shifting all successive values into its void. - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** has returns whether the list contains a given value. - `stateless` */ /**** hasKey returns whether the list contains a value at a given index. - `stateless` */ /**** hasValue retunrs whether the list contains a given value. Uses `has`. - `stateless` */ /**** find returns the first index of a given value in the list, or throws a `ValueError` if none can be found. - `stateless` */ /**** findReverse returns the last index of a given value in the list, or throws a `ValueError` if none can be found. - `stateless` */ /**** insert an alias of `push` */ /**** retrieve */ /**** remove */ /**** discard */ /**** add - `stateful` - `chainable` */ /**** added - `stateless` - `chainable` */ /**** eq returns whether this list has the same cardinality, order, and respective values as another object. - `stateless` */ /**** lt returns whether the the most significant, distinct value between the respective values of this list and another list-like object is less than the other. - `stateless` */ /**** join returns a `String` of the joined string values of the values in this list, on a given delimiter or simply concatenated. - `stateless` */ /**** repr - `stateless` */ /**** toArray - `stateless` */ /**** hash - `stateless` */ /*** toList constructs a `List` from any given iterable. Defers to a `toList` or `toIter` method of the given object if it exists. - `poymorphic` on `toList` or `toIter` */ /*** toArray constructs a native JavaScript `Array` from any iterable. - `polymorphic` on `toArray` or `toIter` */ /*** len returns the length of a `List`, `Array`, `Object`, or any other object that provides a `len` member function. - `polymorphic` */ /*** reversed returns a `List` of the values from an iterable in reversed order. - `stateless` */ /*** sorted returns a `List` of the values in a given `Iteration` in sorted order. Accepts an optional override of `compare`, a binary relation that returns a `Number` that has the same comparison relationship with ``0`` as the relationship between the given values. For example, ``-1`` if the first is less than the second, or ``0`` if they are equal. - `stateless` */ /*** slice - `polymorphic` - `not-curry` - `stateless` */ /*** splice */