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NameEmitter() NameEmitter
creates a name emitter with an empty internal emitter memo.
observe(name String, observer Function) Emitter
gets or creates an internal emitter with the given name. Calls and returns the result of the "observe" method on the internal emitter, passing the given observer function.
emit(name String, ...args) Undefined
gets or creates an internal emitter with the given name. Applies and returns the result of the "emit" method on the internal emitter, passing the rest of the arguments.
emitter(name String) Emitter
gets or creates an internal emitter with the given name.


Emitter(defaultAction_opt Function, dismiss_opt Function) Emitter
creates a emitter with an optional default action and an empty observer array.
observe(observer Function) Emitter
creates a new Emitter from the given action and a dismissal function, and pushes that emitter onto an internal array of observers. The dismissal function, when called, removes the child emitter from the parent emitter's array of observers.
emit(...args) Undefined
uses "this" as an "Event" instance, creating a new one if necessary, and iteratively emits the event as the this object and the given arguments to each of its own observers until the event says it should no longer propagate, and then calls and returns the result of the default action if the event says it should still default.
dismiss() Undefined
if the emitter was constructed with a dismissal function, calls that function.


creates a new Event that should still propagate and cause the corresponding emitter's default action to occur
stopPropagation() Undefined
prevents the event from propagating to further observers
cancelDefault() Undefined
cancels the corresponding emitter's default action
stop() Undefined
stops propagation and cancels the default action
propagating() Boolean
returns whether the event should continue propagating to further observers
defaulting() Boolean
returns whether the default action of the corresponding emitter should be called


Dismissing an Observer

var nameEmitter = new NameEmitter();
var emitter = nameEmitter.observe("foo", function () {

Observing Before Another Observer

var parent = nameEmitter.observe("foo", function () {print("parent")});
var child = parent.observe(function () {print("child")});
var beforeChild = child.observe(function () {print("beforeChild");});

Observing After an Observer

var parent = new Emitter(function () {print("parent")});
var child = parent.observe(function () {print("child");});
var afterChild = parent.observe(function () {print("afterChild")});

Emit Arguments

var emitter = new Emitter(function (a, b, c) {
    print(a, b, c);
emitter.emit(1, 2, 3);
1 2 3

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